Jane Austen 250 - 2025

Jane Austen outside the Abbey Gateway

April to October 2025

Venue: Reading Abbey Quarter

Celebrate Jane Austen's 250th Birthday in 2025!

2025 marks the 250th anniversary of Jane Austen’s birth and we’ll be celebrating throughout the year. Reading has many connections to Jane Austen and her family. Reading Museum cares for the historic Abbey Gateway where Jane and her sister Cassandra attended the Reading Ladies Boarding School in 1785-1786. The school is often cited as the inspiration for Austen’s Mrs Goddard’s School in Emma.


Learn more about Jane Austen 250 celebrations throughout Reading and at The Museum of English Rural Life, including Austen's links to rural England.

Visit Jane's Austen's historic school

Visit Jane Austen's school inside the medieval Abbey Gateway as part of an exclusive Abbey Quarter tour. These run most Saturdays from April to October 2025, booking is open now.

We will also offering Abbey Gateway Rooftop Tours this year, to explore the building's history and its links with Jane Austen. The first rooftop tour is on Saturday 31st May at 11am. Booking now.

Inside the historic Abbey Gateway, book an exclusive Abbey Quarter tour to visit!

Jane Austen Wednesdays

A series of six talks and workshops on Wednesday afternoons (from 2.30pm) in May and June. Booking now open! Only £10 per Wednesday if you book for all six events.

Saturday talk

Saturday 10th May - Talk - Jane Austen, From the Writing Table to the World with The Director of Jane Austen’s House, Lizzie Dunford. 11am, £10

Group tours

Groups can book special private tours of the Abbey Quarter and Gateway, find out more on our group visits page.

Find out more about all Jane Austen 250 events in Reading on the Visit Reading website.

We are collaborating with Jane Austen's House, Museums Partnership Reading, Reading Borough Libraries, Reading Civic Society, REDA, Roseate Hotel and University of Reading.