Victorian Childhood Virtual Session for KS1

Now available for bookings!

This live virtual session has been specifically designed for KS1 pupils. We explore the life of children in Victorian times, from their experience in the schoolroom, to the toys that rich and poor children had to play with and the tough physical work that many of them had to endure. Pupils will learn about some of the most dangerous jobs children did in Victorian times; they will observe how objects can help us to understand the past; they will virtually step into a Victorian classroom to meet the teacher; and they will make their own Victorian style toy to play with.

Children will be inspired using a variety of different resources, such as maps, objects, videos and photographs to bring the past to life.

Resources for this session include:

1 - Downloadable resources to prepare for the session

Pre-session activity 1 – Children’s jobs.

Pre-session Activity 2 – Chimney Sweep (craft activity)

2 - Resources for activities during the session

Video 1 – Welcome to the Victorian Schoolroom

Video 2 – Laundry Day

Craft Activity - Make your own cup-and-ball

Activity worksheet – Laundry Day

3 - Downloadable resources for follow-up activities in the classroom

Post-session activity 1 – Pen and Ink (craft activity)

Post-session activity 2 – 3D object investigation

Post-session activity 3 – Images for discussion

Teacher's feedback 1


I wanted to let you know how much my students really enjoyed the virtual session! They had so much to say afterwards and really enjoyed the practical activity. 

- The Avenue School, 2021 A6841C61-ACD8-4C22-BA6A-1DA1EACB60AA

Thank you card from The Avenue School

Notes for teachers

  • Key Stage 1
  • We recommend booking this session with Huntley & Palmers Virtual Session
Enquire about the session