Kasia - Box Inlaid with Straw Decoration

My name is Kasia, and I am a neurodivergent artist born in Communist Poland under Soviet oppression. As a creative person, I found myself suffocating and rebelling against uniformity and control, though I only understand this now with the ability to look back. I decided to write a story about a wooden engraved jewellery casket as it symbolises something very dear to most Polish households. This artefact reminds me of the highly regarded, family inherited, often scarce valuables that would be stored inside for special occasions. By representing tradition and culture, it reminded people of their roots during a time of poverty and strict control under the Soviet regime. Among many restrictions inflicted in those days, it was forbidden to keep money at home, let alone gold and foreign currency. People felt the iron hand at all times. The caskets became rare and precious objects, whilst the regime put its complete focus on heavy industry and armaments.