Ganna - WWI Pocket Watch

Hi I’m Ganna, I am a refugee from Ukraine. When I saw the clock, frozen by the start of the First World War, I had images of the morning when my family and I woke up to the explosions with renewed vigour... 24th February 2022, 4am. This time changed the lives of millions of Ukrainians. Before... and after. Now living in another country, you realise that such catastrophic events either kill you mentally or reset you to zero, and you start to move in a new direction, learn to look and see in a new way. It feels like you’ve gone down to the basement. It’s damp and uncomfortable, but it’s an incentive to find a way out and go to the highest floor. My generation was born under the Soviet Union; I was a pioneer. I lived through Perestroika, three revolutions, and the war. Your time machine is your memory and your feelings. We cannot change what has happened, but we can feel this moment with all that has happened, just as we felt many years ago.